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The AC has Home Field Advantage in the IBLCS this year, and will use Schedule A.
The NC will use Schedule B.

AC#1: MCM     NC#1: NYK
AC#2: PHI     NC#2: SKY
AC#3: NJR     NC#3: BAL
ACWC#2:       NCWC#2:

(n) = night game
(d) = day game
WC = wild card series
D1 = division series #1 (top seeded team)
D2 = division series #2
CC = conference championship series
LC = IBL championship series
*  = if necessary

Day     Schedule A (AC)                 Schedule B (NC)
1       off (OXY@POR if necessary)
2       off (POR/WMS if necessary)      ---@SNH (n)
3       ---@BOW (n)                     ---@SNH (d)
4       ---@BOW (n)                     off
5       off                             SNH@--- (n)
6       BOW@--- (d)                     SNH@--- (n)*
7       BOW@--- (n)*                    ---@SNH (d)*
8       ---@BOW (n)*                    off

9       off                             ---@NYK (n)
10      ---@MCM (n)                     ---@NYK (d)     ---@SKY (n)
11      ---@MCM (d)     ---@PHI (n)     off             ---@SKY (n)
12      off             ---@PHI (n)     NYK@--- (n)     off
13      MCM@--- (n)     off             NYK@--- (n)     SKY@--- (d)
14      MCM@--- (n)     PHI@--- (d)     NYK@--- (d)*    SKY@--- (n)
15      MCM@--- (d)*    PHI@--- (n)     off             SKY@--- (n)*
16      off             PHI@--- (n)*    ---@NYK (n)*    off
17      ---@MCM (n)*    off             ---@NYK (n)*    ---@SKY (d)*
18      ---@MCM (n)*    ---@PHI (d)*    off             ---@SKY (n)*
19      off             ---@PHI (n)*    off             off

20      off                             CC#1 (n)
21      CC#1 (n)                        CC#2 (d)
22      CC#2 (n)                        off
23      off                             CC#3 (n)
24      CC#3 (d)                        CC#4 (n)
25      CC#4 (n)                        CC#5 (d)
26      CC#5 (n)                        off
27      off                             CC#6 (n)
28      CC#6 (d)                        CC#7 (n)
29      CC#7 (n)                        off 
30      off                             off

31      LC#1 (n)
32      LC#2 (n)
33      off
34      LC#3 (n)
35      LC#4 (n)
36      LC#5 (n)
37      off
38      LC#6 (n)
39      LC#7 (n)
2019-playoff-schedule.1573455383.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/11 01:56 by rpeltz